

作者:林红/来源:输血研究室 时间:2013-08-18 14:33 点击:0

Giving Consent to Donate

    1.I remember reading all the leaflet in the welcome folder. The nurse has answered my questions.
    2.I agree that I am not at risk of transmitting any of the infections listed in the blood safety leaflet.
    3.I agree to my donation being tested for HIV and other infections and that will be contacted if I have a positive result.
    4.I remember reading the blood donation leaflet in the welcome folder and agree that I understand the possible risks of donating.
    5.I understand that my data will be held by the NHS in accordance with the data protection act.
    6.I understand that my blood will be used for the benefit of patients and that it may be directly transfused to someone or it may be used in laboratory.




    4. 我记得阅读了欢迎文件夹中关于血液捐赠活页的内容,并认可我已经了解了献血可能存在的风险。

    5. 我已经了解到有关我的数据将由NHS根据“数据保护法”保存。


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